From Care Professional, Our Favourit Places

A person in a wheelchair by a lake, surrounded by ducks on the shore. - Home Instead

From our Care Professionals: Places we go and why our clients like them.

We asked are Care professionals what some of their clients favourite things to do with us are and overwhelmingly it is getting out in nature and enjoying the many local parks and garden centers in our arae.

“The Park. R enjoys going out especially to the local park on the way we stop and look at the gardens in bloom which lifts R a great deal once at the park we watch the little children at play which brings back memories of R’s childhood. On a sunny day we sit and watch the clouds roll by in the blue sky.”

“In J’s case it’s for excise, we started with Stafford Park which is a small park and we manage one lap and then back home. The joy on J’s face when we get near the only bench to sit on always makes me smile too, we sit for a while just listening to the birds, seeing the flowers and trees coming into bloom and if it’s sunny we feel the warmth of the sun. J has now progressed to a larger park in Carshalton which is more challenging, but J’s smile at the end of the walk is so uplifting, it’s great.”

“G and I often go for a walk just to get some fresh air, G enjoys being outside when the sun is shining, and we meet with the local dogs who are going to the park for a run about. G likes the dogs and they like G, G always manages to pat them.”

“One of my clients likes going to Nonsuch Park. We park near Nonsuch Mansion house and take a walk in the walled garden. There are plenty of benches to take a seat and watch the wildlife in action especially the birds. There’s a couple of territorial robins who are cheeky enough to land on the bench arm rests. We’ve fed them dried mealworms which they will snatch from our fingers. And if you listen carefully you can hear woodpeckers pecking away at the trees for their lunch. The daffodils at this time of year are blooming marvellous and we can’t wait for the carpet of bluebells in spring, then the pretty rambling roses on the archway to flower in the summer. There’s always something different to see in a peaceful setting. They have a good cafe with the best coffee which has seating inside and out. All-in-all a lovely way to stay contented.”

“I go to Dobbie’s with one of my clients they enjoy the cafe for a coffee and a cake and like to look around at all the plants and look at all the different cards”

“We go to the Grove and feed the ducks, it’s a lovely walk and watching the ducks always make them smile.”

“I have a client and they are not very mobile but they love just going for a drive, they tell me where to go and love to talk about how the area has changed, I had no idea there was a dairy where the Mosque in Morden is now”

For a lot of our clients they really do look forward to having someone they can go out and about with. Over Covid many of the places we used to go were no longer accessible and in some cases not going out for so long has made some of our clients a little hesitant to go out on their own. Having that support and help our Care Professionals provide has opened up the world to some of our clients again.

Seeing your client smiling as they watch the ducks or feed a pair of cheeky robins brightens our days just as much as thoses we support. If you’d like to find out more about how Home Instead can help you to find your perfect Care Professional, don’t hesitate to get in touch.