How to Safeguard Against Cybercrime and Scams - Home Instead Sutton's Guide

In today's digital age, scams are becoming increasingly prevalent, targeting individuals and businesses alike. Read our blog to find out how you can protect your loved ones.


In today’s digital age, cybercrime and scams are becoming increasingly prevalent, targeting individuals and businesses alike. At Home Instead Sutton, we’re committed to helping our clients and their families stay safe from these threats. This blog aims to provide valuable insights and practical steps to protect our clients from scams. At Home Instead Sutton, we’ve seen first-hand the financial and emotional impact scams can have on our clients. Fortunately, our Care Professionals are trained to provide support and companionship, helping to mitigate these effects.

UK Cyber Crime Statistics

Cybercrime is a growing threat, with alarming statistics underscoring its impact:

  • 7.78 million Cyber Attacks on UK Businesses in 2024.
  • Over 1 million unauthorised access incidents to personal information reported.
  • More than 560,000 global cyber threats discovered daily.
  • 50% of UK businesses experienced a cyber-attack.
  • Phishing scams were the most common type of cyber-attack, experienced in 84% of incidents.
  • Ransomware attacks in the UK increased by 70%.
  • UK was the second-most targeted country for cyber-attacks, after the US.
  • UK residents received over 208 million scam emails.
  • Only 31% of UK businesses undertook a cyber risk assessment in 2024.

These statistics highlight the pervasive nature of cyber threats and the importance of staying informed and protected​​.

Recognising a Potential Scam

Scams have become more sophisticated, making it essential to stay vigilant. Here are some red flags to watch for:

  1. Urgency: Are you being rushed to decide to buy something or transfer money?
  2. Emotion: Is the message trying to make you panic or feel guilty?
  3. Scarcity: Are you being offered something that’s in short supply?
  4. Up Front: Are you asked to pay money upfront or share personal information?

If something feels off, it probably is. Always double check and verify the source before taking any action.

Getting Help if Scammed

If you or a loved one has fallen victim to a scam, swift action is crucial:

  1. Change Passwords: Immediately update all passwords. Use strong, unique passwords for each account and enable two-factor authentication where possible.
  2. Inform the Bank: Contact your bank to secure accounts and monitor for suspicious activity.
  3. Stop Unwanted Mail and Callers: Consider placing a “No Junk Mail” or “No Cold Callers” sign on your door to prevent unexpected visitors. We have heard anecdotally that this has been a great preventative for our clients.

For additional support, visit Citizens Advice or the National Cyber Security Centre for comprehensive guidance.

Financial and Emotional Impact of Scams

The financial cost of scams can be substantial. According to recent statistics, online shopping fraud alone cost victims £63.8 million in the UK. What is harder to qualify is the emotional impact of being scammed. Our Care Professionals at Home Instead Sutton are trained to support their clients throughout any distress.

Common reactions include:

  1. Embarrassment and Shame: Feeling embarrassed for being deceived.
  2. Trouble Sleeping: Anxiety and stress can disrupt sleep. Our Care Professionals can help their clients and their families through this and recommend new routines.
  3. Avoidance of People: Victims might withdraw from social interactions. We can ensure that our clients are still getting out and about in the community, to events like Singing Sensations in Cheam.
  4. Confusion and Disappointment: It’s normal to feel disoriented and let down. We will keep checking in and liase with our client’s families on how they are doing.


By staying informed and taking proactive steps, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from these dangers. At Home Instead Sutton, we’re dedicated to supporting our clients in navigating these challenges. If you need assistance or have any concerns, please reach out to us. Together, we can create a safer environment for everyone.