What is the Butterfly Cafe ?

A group of elderly people gathered around a table working on a puzzle, with a "Home Instead" logo at the bottom left. - Home Instead

Café Ethos

The Butterfly Café is a free, Dementia Friendly, informal hub, for people living with dementia and their carers.                          

 It is a…. “Meeting place that brings joy, creativity & hope”.

We strive to create a safe space, where individuals can interact positively with one another and engage in a range of activities, to help minimise social isolation and increase their holistic wellbeing.

Café Information

The Butterfly Café is held on the 1st and 4th Tuesday of the month, time: 2.30-4.30pm.  

Venue: The Boardroom (Opposite Marks & Spencers), Hambleden Wing, Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Café Structure

We facilitate a range dementia friendly activity such as: Seated Exercise, Art, and Music Therapy. We are very lucky to have pupils from Dulwich Village School with us, which adds “joy” to our sessions.

Our carers hub sessions will be on the 1st Tuesday of each month. This will include:

Carer’s Fire Safety talk

Carer’s Dentistry Session

Carer’s Hand Therapy Session

We took a break in June, but we will return on Tuesday 4th of July 2023!

Why not come and join us, socialise, and engage in some amazing activities? Attendees can enjoy tea, coffee, fruits, and biscuits while interacting with one another.

Flyer for Butterfly Cafe event for people with dementia and their carers, free attendance, details and dates provided. - Home Instead