With Valentine’s Day upon us, we know this time of year can be a sad association for some people, but we wanted this week’s café to be a happy expressive time.
With Valentine’s Day upon us, we know this time of year can be a sad association for some people, but we wanted this week’s café to be a happy expressive time for our lovely group of people, so we based it simply around ‘Love’.
This was a chance for the attendees to remember and look back and share funny stories they have had with dating or generally reminiscing about the love they may had throughout their life, and to share as a group or just with each other to encourage social interaction. It was lovely to hear their happiest memories and the smiles when reminiscing.
Our regular quiz master Bob was there to host another quiz on films, music and generally knowledge, based on Love.
In keeping with the theme, refreshments were a mixture of fruit, heart shaped waffles with fruit and a selection of cakes that went down a treat.
Jenny taught the group to sign ‘I love you’ it is a great way of the attendees to use their memory skills and remember what we have been taught over the last few months, which is:- Yes, no, please, thank you, we will remember them, Happy Christmas, Happy new year, I love you.
We had a great time with the Memory game, this helps to stimulate the groups minds and memory skills and improve concentration. The group are wonderful and always engage in the activities, and put their own idea’s forward for future games and activities.
We ended the session, Singing songs and gentle exercise to music. They are all chair based, and each attendee can do as much or as little as they wish.
It was a lovely afternoon, and we had a lot of smiles as they were leaving, It was also lovely to see a few new faces joining the cafe.
‘There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done – Love, Love, Love’