Watford Carer Support: How to Access What You Need

We understand that looking for support can feel overwhelming. That's why we've compiled a convenient list of carer support services in Watford for you.

senior male client being supported by care professional

Citizen’s Advice Watford is a volunteer-based support hub that helps you with financial, legal and other advice.

They have several online self-help guides, a hotline, and a drop-in centre open Monday through Thursday mornings. You can find them in St Mary’s Churchyard on Watford High Street. Our advice is to call in advance, in case they can help you over the phone, which will save travel.

Adult Social Care in Watford

If you are looking for advice on adult social care, Hertfordshire County Council is your local authority for care assessments, funding, and other services.

Their adult social care services include

  • Blue badges
  • Equipment for home care
  • Senior transport
  • Day services and events
  • Carer support

carer discussing information with an adviser

Watford Community Carer Support Groups

Watford Carers Group is hosted on the last Monday of every month from 6:45 pm to 9 pm (excluding bank holidays and Christmas). The address is Henry Smith House, 3-5 Estcourt Road, Watford WD17 2PT.

Carers in Hertfordshire offer a wide range of support groups and hobby clubs for carers. Some of these may include travel, but some are held online, which is perfect if you want to test what you like and don’t like (plus those days when you don’t feel up to meeting in person).

National Caregiver Support Charities

Regardless of where you reside in the UK, we always recommend

  1. Carers UK
  2. Carer’s Trust
  3. Carer’s Network

All three charities have a fantastic support system for caregivers and lots of resources for you to dip into.

Local Mental Health Support in Watford

Hertfordshire Mind Network partners with Hertfordshire County Council to deliver mental health support throughout the Watford area.

Taking good care of your mental health is vital for your overall well-being. So if you need anything – a chat, some comfort or advice get in touch.

group of ladies chatting over tea together

Watford Respite Care

There will be times when you need some time away, whether that’s a night off to catch up on sleep or a day to catch up on work or other family things. There will also be times when you need longer-term help.

That’s where the Home Instead Respite Care service comes in. We are flexible and can give you the time you need to get back on top of things.

And please don’t feel ashamed to ask. Over 62% of people in your shoes say they need help; we suspect this figure is much higher. With those who do approach us, we have seen a transformation in their personal well-being and approach to care. We’ve also seen carer/caree relationships flourish.

Watford Home Care and Live-in Care

Finally, you may need longer-term or more specialist care for your loved one. At Home Instead, we offer two services that can help:

Home Instead Home Care  – a flexible service that can help in aspects of care in the home, from housekeeping to personal care and specialist help for conditions like Dementia and cancer.

Home Instead Live-in Care – a part-time or full-time service that provides round-the-clock care for the frail or those who need specialist attendance.

Home Instead care professional using tablet with her client

Disclaimer – The organisations and links mentioned in this text were up and running at the time of its publication. However, it’s always a good idea to double-check if any changes to local provision have occurred since then.

Contact our Watford team at Home Instead if you need help.

Call us on 01923 250513