West Exeter & Teignbridge Carer is Recognised by Senior Nurse

Our lovely carer, Clare, receives a glowing recommendation from Healthcare Senior Nurse.

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As a Registered Manager of a care company, it always feels amazing to receive feedback about the team, especially when it comes from Senior Nurses. Many people don’t realise the hard work and passion that my team members put in to bring smiles to our clients’ faces. I was delighted when I received an email praising our lovely Care Professional, Clare:

“Hi Daniel I wanted to write this email to you to feedback on my personal experience of working with Claire Rumford Claire has been supporting a lady who was unable to manage her stoma care, and was not engaged due to some cognitive decline. Over the weeks, I have seen how Claire has worked with this lady who is now engaged and able to perform a pouch change with verbal guidance Claire has given this lady time, encouragement and found ways of making the process memorable for her by creating crib sheets, being persistent and ensuring each time the process is the same- repetitive reinforcement- all of which I believe is a tribute to Claire’s caring and supportive nature. I do believe she has gone above and beyond and am delighted by the progress. It can be quite frustrating at times, and it would be so easy for someone to ‘just take over’ and change the pouch, but Claire has not done this , she has maintained her professionalism and dedication to the task I wanted to give Claire recognition for this great achievement, she really has made a difference and has been a pleasure to work with.”

-Senior Nurse

Thank you for everything you do, Clare. I hope more people can recognise the outstanding work our team and all community carers provide.

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