Our goal is to make Westminster a Dementia Friendly community

Membership is open to all types of organisations serving the community andthat wnat to improve hte life of peopl eliving with Dementia in London Westminster.

An elderly woman and a younger woman tend to potted plants together on a kitchen counter. - Home Instead

Our last meeting at the Royal Hospital Chelsea

Our local Westminster Dementia Actiona Alliance

We have been so lucky to be hosted by the Royal Hospital Chelsea. On this occasion, The RHC shared with us a very ambitious project to make its heritage and visitor experience more accessible to people living with dementia and their carers. Being committed to making the Royal Hospital site in its entirety a dementia-friendly community.

This project will include dementia-friendly tours and sensory gardening. It will also extend their provision to those unable to visit the Royal Hospital in person through the handling collection workshops, memory boxes and virtual tours for care homes, which will provide stimulation and encourage home-based participation in the heritage

Age UK Westminster is offering Cognitive Simulation Therapy from July this year. In Westminster a brand new memory café is opening its doors every third Monday of the month on Oxford street.

Our Westminster and Kensington CCG told us about their Dementia strategy and how much focus they intend to put on Post Diagnosis support.

The Alzheimer’s Society is using this year’s Dementia Action Week to encourage those who might be living with, or close to someone who might be living with undiagnosed dementia to be able to understand and recognise potential dementia symptoms as well as improve the diagnosis process for both them and healthcare professionals.

Resonate Art, will keep the focus on increasing creativity, through creative befrienders and creative hubs in Westminster and in Kensington. They also shared with us some beautiful poems written during lock down and representing the voce of those who live with Dementia.

Jewish Care is re launching their comminuty events

Finally, Home Instead Westminster will increase even further the number of its Care Professionals being awarded our City & Guilds Dementia training. This is a programme created for the Home Instead Network, focusing on caring for the whole person and their experiences of living with dementia. It aims at empowering the Care Professionals with the expertise to recognise that each person with dementia is an individual and to give them the confidence to work with a diverse group of people living with dementia.

The Dementia Action Alliance Westminster and K&C is a diverse coalition of passionate people creating a better society in which to live with dementia.

Group of people, including a person in a red uniform, standing outside a large building with columns and arched windows. - Home Instead