Welcome to the Team, Samantha!

Join us as we welcome Samantha Joseph into the role of ‘Client Care Manager’ for our Wimbledon and Kingston office.


When Samantha Joseph walked through our door, we knew she would be a fantastic asset to our Wimbledon and Kingston team. She brings a wealth of experience and a high level of expertise to the role of ‘Client Care Manager’ and as we discovered through the below chat, Samantha is full of heart, humour and has a keen eye for detail.

Samantha’s inspiration…

For Samantha, it all began when she started looking after her elderly parents.

“I enjoy getting to know families and external professionals”, shared Samantha, “I want to ensure the client is given the choice on what care looks like for them and provide the ideal carer to support them.”

A typical day for Samantha…

For Samantha, a typical workday means ensuring the clients care is provided in a timely manner and to a high standard.

“After work is where the hard work begins! I cook for my family and try to get to the gym for a workout. After the gym, I get home and have a glass of wine and undo everything that I did that was healthy!”

A heart-warming career highlight…

Samantha shared with us the heart-warming story of her client who had not seen his wife for five months. His wife was in a nursing home and it had been difficult to make the journey. However, visiting time finally came. “We went out shopping and bought a new shirt, trousers, and jumper. The evening before, staff took him to the barbers for a fresh haircut.” She told us. Pressed and dressed, he was so excited to see his wife he barely finished his breakfast! “He looked fantastic”, Samantha remembered fondly.

On the journey, Samantha heard stories of her client’s life with his wife, their travels and adventures. “He kept saying thank you for coming with him, he said he felt safe with me and knew I would take care of him.” She recalled.

On arrival, his wife was in the lounge waiting on him. “When they saw each other they both hugged each other, tears were flowing!”

It’s in these moments when we are reminded what a privilege it is to work in care and to be able to build these relationships. The story doesn’t end there, however. Samantha was an integral part in supporting her client make the move to be closer to his wife so they would never have to go so long again between visits.

Self-care and Samantha’s hidden talents…

We are hugely excited here in the Home Instead office as Samantha used to be a cake decorator. We certainly hope she chooses to share her talents with her new colleagues! Alongside this skill, she takes time to spend time with friends, having spa days or travelling. “I have started salsa dancing with my fiancé which is a good laugh as I haven’t a clue what I am doing!”

Words of wisdom…

“Focus on what you can control”, shares Samantha. Wise words!

A hearty, Home Instead welcome to Samantha!

What a pleasure to catch up with Samantha. We are looking forward to seeing those salsa moves in action! We know that with her skillset, alongside her keenness for a robust process and high-quality assurance, she will be an excellent member to our already unmatched team here at Wimbledon and Kingston Home Instead.

Contact Us

If you, like Samantha are passionate about care, building relationships and are keen to ensure clients receive unique, tailor-made support, get in touch to discover what exciting opportunities may be in store for you.

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