Young Carers month ~ Rose

We have been celebrating our young carers this month and thought it was time that we shared them and their fabulous stories with you all. - Read on to learn about Rose's story

A collage featuring young carers, with some faces covered by flower stickers. Text reads "Young Carers month. - Home Instead

Young Carers month ~ Rose

Continuing with our young carers highlights, here at Home Instead Windsor and Runnymede, we  were lucky enough to be able to facilitate work experience placements for two wonderful young ladies.

Read on to learn more about Rose, who was taken on and guided by our wonderful Care Pro, Claire.

“ I was born in born in Hillingdon, but grew up in Stanwell, where I attended a few schools, before we decided that I would thrive more in a 1-1 setting, so I left to be home-tutored. This was a really positive decision for me. It also meant that I could spend more quality time with my little sister and watch her grow up too. We liked to cook together and being able to cook my own favourite food was a brilliant life skill, plus, as a fussy eater, I knew what was in my food…ROAST with all the trimmings for the win!!

Friends and family are very important to me and I love spending time with each of them, quality time where we can simply chill out and enjoy each other’s company whilst listening to good music ( and eating plenty of snacks!).

Before I came on to Home Instead, I worked in a nursery…it was fantastic and such a fun environment and I loved it, because it really reminded me of my baby cousin, Penelope, whom I adore! I’ve also previously studied hair and beauty, but now I have found my calling and am studying health and social care. A friend’s Mum had worked for Home Instead and when I needed to find a work experience placement, she suggested that I ask @Home Instead Windsor and Runnymede. I am so glad that I did.

My reasoning behind switching to health and social care was simple, I enjoy helping and caring for others and would love to become a social worker, so that I can help people. In order to do this, I need to study health and social care. I really love covering so many different topics and learning new things everyday… it’s never boring. There is always a fun topic to go over and always topics that we can debate, meaning I get to hear everyone’s different views and opinions and this I find so interesting.

I have 120 hours of work placement to complete and I will do this with Home Instead…thank you all so much for taking me on and to Claire, for taking me under her wing and showing me how it all works in the real world!

A collage featuring young carers, with some faces covered by flower stickers. Text reads "Young Carers month. - Home Instead