Rejuvenate and Bloom: Springtime Fitness for Vibrant Senior Living

The perennial plants are finally coming to life with splashes of colour appearing in our parks and gardens, and there’s finally some sunshine after a long cold winter. Spring

Spring scene of a park bench

It’s a wonderful time to boost your mental and physical wellbeing buy getting outdoors into the fresh air for a healthy walk. Doing some kind of physical activity is better than none and even light activity has significant health benefits. It’s best to have a mix of exercise and activities to improve your overall balance.

If you’ve not exercised for a while of if you have any health concerns then talk to your doctor to help decide what’s best for you. It is important that your exercise and activities are appropriate for your level of fitness. There are some great tips and advice about the benefits of remaining physically active as you age, on the Centre for Ageing Better website.

At Home Instead, we support a wide range of community activities and events for seniors that boost both mental and physical health. We actively support our community partners to deliver a wide range of activities, so please contact our Community Engagement Team on 0151 382 4000 for full details.

Purple allium flowers in a vibrant garden with various greenery and flowers, set against a backdrop of lush trees. - Home Instead