A Model Employee

Our very own Shannon Daly takes to the catwalk!

Woman with blonde and pink hair wearing a white outfit and a barbed wire necklace, standing against a plain background. - Home Instead

A Model Employee?

Our very own Shannon Daly recently took to the catwalk for the L’oreal Colour Trophy Competition, representing a Brighton salon and showing off her luscious locks!
Shannon headed to the O2 for what she describes as ‘a very long day’ of modelling and being primped and preened! She says she had great fun getting to be a catwalk model for a day, and we think she looks stunning!

A stylist adjusts a necklace on a person with long pink hair, wearing a white outfit, with another person observing. - Home Instead

Because She's Worth It!

Shannon has worked for Home Instead for several years, and during that time she has performed many roles both out in the community and in the office. Known for her cheerful, vibrant personality and compassionate nature, Shannon’s unrivalled knowledge of all things Home Instead, combined with her uncanny knack of making technology bend to her will, have earned her the honorary title of ‘Fixer of Everything’

We’re always pleased as punch to celebrate our colleagues’ and clients’ milestones and successes! If you have news you’d like to share with the Home Instead community, don’t hesitate to let us know!

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Woman with blonde and pink hair wearing a white outfit and a barbed wire necklace, standing against a plain background. - Home Instead