Our Care Professionals are here for you and your family with practical help and complex care support that is tailored to you so you can live your best life at home.
At Home Instead we understand that your care needs can vary. Living with an existing health condition or a new condition that involves additional complex care can be stressful, daunting and distressing. Home Instead provide highly trained Care Professionals, experienced in various common clinical skills, such as catheter care, enteral feeding care, stoma care and basic wound care. Requiring complex care does not mean having to compromise your living arrangements. Our Care Professionals are trained extensively to support clients living with conditions such as epilepsy, insulin-dependent diabetes, spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury and motor neurone disease. They can offer assistance with specialist complex care such as non-invasive and invasive ventilation, tracheostomy care, bowel care and much more.
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Available in select locations
Let's have a chat to
see how we can help
Meet the MAR chart: how carers record medication
What is a continuing healthcare checklist?
What is complex care?
The benefits of complex care at home
Complex care management and care planning
Health Care at home
Monitoring and vital sign ranges for older adults
Hand, foot & nail care for older adults
Complex care needs suitable for Home Care
Maintaining quality of life with a feeding tube
Wound care management in older adults at home
Diabetes in older adults
Living with a stoma for older adults
Breathing exercises to improve lung function in older people
Living with a long term catheter for older adults
An introduction to complex care
Health & complex care at home
Common healthcare needs in older adults
Health & complex care for older adults